Park Yoo Chun scandal gaining Noteriety

Park Yoo Chun scandal gaining Noteriety

Little known scandal here in the West because honestly it does not fit in the big theme. See the Burning Scandal was kind of cover here because we have a #meToo era right now, but this drug scandal? Like singers here do drugs all the time, heck COLLEGE student do drugs all the time #weeeeeed but garderners hate it so at least that’s a plus. In asia though, drugs are generally forbidden, you might remember Presidente Rodrigo of Philliphines encouraging an Oliver Queen style hero to destroy and kill drug traffickers. Well Park Yoo Chun coming back from a sexual assault scandal way back in the day is again in the big headlines for supposedly contacting Walter White and getting them goodies. He denies it of course and also denies hitting up his ex-fiancee-lover??? Hwang Hana with some of this goodies. He was actually caught trying to escape Korea a few weeks back and now is detain and probably headed off to prison anytime now since he recently tested positive for Meth even though he denies this allegation.


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