Beginning of a new Era? Note to readers

Beginning of a new Era? Note to readers

Well here’s the thing, I’ll lay it out straight for y’all. This website has been up for a like 3 months and it averages around 300 unique visitor per month (might be just robots and stuff). I got to say, I feel bad because I haven’t really done anything to this website in the past 2 months. Also I recently got into a fight with my partner in crime 😉 so basically this website will now be manned by one man, me coolguy1234.

From now onwards, this website is going to CHANGE it’s vision and it’s model. I feel like if you have read some of my post, my voice is a grammar-error fill unique and fun one, well I hope it’s a fun one honestly! Given that the CDrama industry has really not taken off here, I will now institute a brand new vision!

I pledge to release at least a review or a post or some news every single day starting from now

It will no longer be JUST Chinese entertainment news because APPARENTLY they censor that stuff too! There’s news about like… NOTHING! So I will also expand the news section and hot takes (my two cents) on every thing so you probably will see KPop here, some stuff from Taiwan and such, Japan, I don’t know BOLLYWOOD (maybe we won’t go that much east) you know RUSSIA like Asian stuff.

Reviews I’ll try to get one in per week of a drama (Chinese Drama are 50 fuc**** episode long) or maybe more. But the thing with more is then the reviews will be like a read with few or no pictures (I’ll try to make the read interesting). If more visitors come you know positive comments then I will begin to post pictures and stuff, it’s just cropping pictures and putting it in the right place takes a lot of time (think 4+ hours per review just for adding pictures). It would be just exclusively chinese drama that’s being review, a lot of popular sites already exist to review korean dramas.

If you come accross this website and you like what you read or hate what you read, just please leave a short comment or share this site with a fellow friend that into news and entertainment goodies from Asia. Bookmark this site if you like it, come back every once and a while there will be updated content and stuff! If you hate it, I would thank you for stopping by and have a great rest of your day! TO ALL OF YOU!

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